Sweet Survival

Sweet Survival
Server Information
Address play.sweetsurvival.net:25565
Hostname Invalid hostname. Please refer to our documentation at docs.tcpshield.com
Status Checked 5 minutes ago
Players 0 / 100
Location Canada
Version 1.17
Registered by blockswerker
Registered since September 23rd, 2021 08:13 PM EST
Last update December 17th, 2021 05:27 PM EST
Tag(s) Survival
Vote(s) 0
Rank 86
Score 6
Favorited 0
Discussion(s) 0

About This Server

Sweet Survival is a place where friendly Minecrafters can play together with peace of mind that their creations can be protected from griefers but still enjoy as much of the Minecraft survival experience as possible. We are LGBTQ+ friendly and encourage respect and inclusivity.

This is a new server, mods and features will be added to meet the community's needs as it grows. Currently the server offers:

- Land Claims
- Ender Dragon drops Elytra
- Shulkers Respawn
- Skip Night if Most Players are Sleeping
- Anti-Cheat
- Cosmetics like Sitting and Hats

We are anti-P2W: Sweet Survival does not have a Patreon page or accept donations. We just want as many people as possible to play the game and have fun.

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Rank Server Players Status Tags
0 / 100 Survival