The LihP Network - Dwarves Vs Zombies

The LihP Network - Dwarves Vs Zombies
Server Information
Hostname |||. Dwarves§0.vs§0.Zombies [1.19.2 - 1.21.4]
Status Checked 3 minutes ago
Players 0 / 123
Location United States of America
Version 1.8.9
Registered by LihP
Registered since April 25th, 2020 04:58 AM EST
Last update January 6th, 2023 10:52 AM EST
Tag(s) Adventure BungeeCord Capture The Flag Faction Minigames PvP Spigot Survival

Discord Server

Vote(s) 6
Rank 23
Score 15
Favorited 0
Discussion(s) 1

About This Server

The PVP Game mode Dwarves VS Zombies (DVZ) involves Two Teams, the Dwarves and the Zombies. The Dwarves must defend their Three Shrines and prevent the Monsters from conquering them, the game ends when the Monsters conquer the Final Shrine or the last Dwarf falls. The Zombies are assisted by many Monster classes each with unique abilities and disguises.

If you join at the start of a game you will become a Dwarf and your job is to prepare for the Zombie invasion. Dwarves can do this in a number of different ways and the most common way is to build defenses. As you place blocks according to the rules you will obtain rewards, these items will help you defend yourself and the shrines.
Dwarves can become special classes by either completing a task or killing event bosses.

Assassin - Random players from the Dwarves team are chosen to become Assassins, they have a limited time to kill Dwarves.
Ender Dragon - Depending on the number of Dwarves a variety of Dragons will attack the Dwarves.
Wither - A Wither boss will often arrive just before the Monsters are released to weaken the Dwarves.

If you join a game late you will be given Monster eggs to choose which class of Monster your going to be. Each Monster class will give you unique abilities and disguise you as this Monster to other players.

Dwarves survival includes unique features and mechanics. In the world, you can explore and unlock spells that can be used to fight, move around, collect resources, and more. You and other players can also create Factions to team up, claim land, and fight other factions. As you explore the world, you’ll encounter stronger monsters that will give you more of a challenge, but for better rewards.

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