DifferentCraft - Minecraft Towny Server

DifferentCraft - Minecraft Towny Server
Server Information
Address mc.differentcraft.net:25565
Status Checked 5 minutes ago
Players 0 / 120
Location United Kingdom
Version 1.17
Website http://differentcraft.net/
Registered by jordanwilliams2
Registered since February 3rd, 2016 05:08 AM EST
Last update February 3rd, 2016 05:08 AM EST
Tag(s) Bukkit Faction Mcmmo PvE PvP Roleplay Spigot Survival Towny
Vote(s) 0
Rank 66
Score 6
Favorited 0
Discussion(s) 0

About This Server

DifferentCraft is a Minecraft Towny server that runs a variety of plugins like, DiabloDrops, Towny, Slimefun, Silkspawners, Auctions, IronElevators and many more. DifferentCraft also has a gemshop where you can trade gems for custom items such as Portal guns, Firework box's and much more.

Why choose our Minecraft Towny server? Our Minecraft Towny server has unique features such as Portal Guns, DiabloDrops any many more. We also have a great dedicated staff team that are willing to help you with any questions you may have about the server. We also like to do amazing events around holidays.

We hope to see you soon at differentcraft :)

Server Video