
Server Information
Address Private Server
Hostname MaricopaCraft (1.20- 1.21)
Eco, Claims, Bookshop, PlayerShop, ResourceWorld
Status Checked 4 minutes ago
Players 0 / 20
Location United States of America
Version 1.21
Registered by MCMaricopaAZ
Registered since May 28th, 2024 06:54 PM EST
Last update July 1st, 2024 11:46 AM EST
Tag(s) Bukkit Economy Spigot Survival

Discord Server

Vote(s) 11
Rank 31
Score 22
Favorited 0
Discussion(s) 0

About This Server

1.21 Survival Trial Chambers, No AFK Kick, Players can craft OP items with Enchant Boosts (Custom Plugin).
Fish, Mine, complete quests and Vote to get the Enchantment Boosts.

Players can earn all ranks and keys FREE in game.

• - Auction House: buy and sell any item
• - LuckPerms
• - Player Vaults: extra storage
• - Player Ranks (custom plugin)
• - Vouchers (custom plugin - Claim, Fly, Disguise, Cash, Items)
• - Player Shop (custom plugin - Sell your Armor, Weapons & More.)
When ranked high enough, the Player shop will Salvage weapon Enchantments and give you Enchanted Books.
• - Book Shop (custom plugin - Sell your Enchanted Books to the Admin Shop.)
• - Land Claims
• - Player Sign Shops are available
• - Voting: One Vote Key Per Vote per day
• - Random TP to get into the wild and get started. command /wild
• - Villager Loot Keys (custom plugin: Librarian, Butcher, Woodcutter, etc)
• - Earn keys from daily quests (each job has at least 1 quest)
• - Earn keys by Voting
• - Resource World (Resets as Needed)

Stop by and say Hi.

New Players will start off with $1200 in-game economy cash. That's enough to purchase your first rank.

Be sure to use the /ranks command and select "Cadet"