The Splash

The Splash
Server Information
Hostname ☀ SplashMC ▏ 1.21 Aquatic Survival ☀
Status Checked 4 minutes ago
Players 0 / 250
Location United States of America
Version 1.17
Registered by Thundurh
Registered since August 26th, 2019 07:31 PM EST
Last update August 26th, 2019 07:31 PM EST
Tag(s) Economy PvE PvP Survival Towny
Vote(s) 0
Rank 89
Score 6
Favorited 0
Discussion(s) 0

About This Server

The Splash is a simple survival server, with a few implemented features to assure your experience is most enjoyable. We take pride in our community, and think you would fit in nicely! Come join us today, sit back, relax, survive, and thrive.

We offer the following:
Pets | Loving pets that stick by your side, and help you survive.
Trading | Fraud protected trading system, which makes trading with players easier than ever.
Quests | Fun and rewarding quests to keep your game-play spicy at all times.
Jobs | Rewarding jobs that keep you wanting to do more, always.
Villages | Create or join a village, which makes surviving with other players way more fun.
Player Warps | Create your own warps, which other players can teleport to!
And much, more. Come see for yourself!